Yesterday as I drove to the temple, as I sat in the temple and this morning as I woke, I've repeated my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ over and over again in my mind. And so I share it with you...
I testify that am a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father who knows me individually. He knows me, loves me and is aware of my every needs. I was reminded of this every time I had a priesthood blessing when I was suffering through cancer and chemo. I testify that the priesthood is the power to act in Gods name. I'm grateful for worthy priesthood holders in my life who were able to bless me in my time of need; my dad, brothers, friends, cousins and uncles. Yesterday as I rounded the hall in the temple I saw myself in a full length mirror dressed in white. I saw a daughter of God who has great potential; I saw a covenant keeper, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, and a friend. I testify of His love for each of his children and that we are literal children of a Heavenly Father.
I testify that a 14 year old boy Joseph Smith questioned our Heavenly Father regarding which church was true. As he read James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God..., he put forth his faith to know for himself. I testify that after praying to God, that he saw our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ in a grove of tree's in Palmyra, NY on a Spring morning in 1820. I testify the restored gospel was brought forth to the latter days through Joseph Smith. I testify that he was a true prophet. I testify that we have a living day prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. I testify that he talks with our Heavenly Father through prayer and receives instructions for us in these latter days.
I've come to know the Atonement in a way that I never imagined over the past 10 months. I testify that the Atonement is more than just for sin. I testify that in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus Christ also atoned for our heartaches, our sorrows, our disappointments, and our physical and emotional illnesses.
I testify that our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers in His own timing and His own ways as he sees fit for us. I don't know how He hears all prayers, but I testify that He does hear them. I love the scripture, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not into thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths."
I testify that the Book Of Mormon is true. That it is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. I testify that by reading from its pages daily we will become closer to our Heavenly Father, that through these pages we will find answers to our prayers.
I testify of the blessings of paying an honest and full tithe. I have seen these blessings come into my life over and over again as I have faithfully obeyed this commandment.
I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the one and only true church on this earth. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Spring Break FF
1. Each week I ask myself, "Does it get any better than this?" I always know that answer will be, "Yes!" Saturday was by far one of my favorite days of this week! Mr. J and I had the entire day to ourselves until the kids arrived, but not until 8pm! I of course had to start my day out with a 4 mile run though. Mr. J and I headed to Gilbert to have lunch with my friends Janelle and Matt and their darling two year old twins. They took us to a yummy place called Joe's Farm Grill. I had been craving BBQ so I had some. It was yummy, but of course not as yummy as in the South. Mr. J loves hotdogs, I'll never understand this, so he got two fancy ones that he enjoyed. By then it was nap time for the twins, but not before I snapped this picture of poor Tate who has casts on his legs to shape them into where they need to be.
2. Mr. J and I enjoyed a walk around the the Gilbert Temple. It is so beautiful. I can't wait to have some time to do a session there. I introduced Mr. J to my favorite shaved ice. We shared an almond joy with ice cream in the middle. It was so amazingly delicious! We then did a little grocery shopping and then headed home to meet up with the kids. We all watched Marly and Me and Little girl A and I did some fingernail and toenail painting before it was time to wrap up the evening.
3. Sunday we had such great meetings on Marriage in Sunday School and endurance in RS. We fixed dinner and made cookies, before the kids had to leave us again. Always tugs at my heart stings a little when they hug me and then leave. We visited a family in our ward that needed some cookies, skyped my family and talked to his and then Mr. J talked me into watching Catching Fire. I'm not really a Hunger Games fan because I don't like the killing, but it did keep my attention and of course so does he! That evening when I got home I got this text, "Each weekend keeps getting better and better. I keep waiting for you to not want to be around me or my kids anymore but you embrace us instead. Its really incredible how loved you have us feel. You are such an amazing, strong, pretty woman. I'm still trying to figure out how you are sitting next to me. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
4. The kids have been on Spring Break this week. I love that Mr. J's career being that he owns his own business allows him to take day's off to spend with his kid's, like my dad was able to with us. Wednesday we made breakfast and then took the kid's (he was also tending another families 3 kid's while their parents were in England this week) hiking. It was rather windy, which made it so we weren't so hot. I made them spinach shakes after we all got cleaned up, which not all the kids were impressed with and then it was time for me to go to work.
Wednesday night Mr. J had a campout in the back yard with the kid's. We made 'smores and then as soon as they laid their little heads on their pillows they were out, as much as they all wanted me to campout with them, I didn't but went home and slept in my bed.
5. Thursday I skipped my workout for the first time since Feb. 3, but I made up for it this morning...I skipped it to sleep in a little and then spend time with Mr. J and the kid's. That afternoon I got a text from Mr. J that read, "Just wanted you to know how awesome I think you are. I'm so grateful that you sacrificed your day at the gym to hang with me and these wild kid's. You are an amazing woman and I'm so lucky to be the one you spend your time with. Can't wait to hold you close to me tonight."
6. This week I got my 2013 blog book in the mail. It is huge and oh so awesome. I'm grateful for the person I evolved into during 2013, but so glad that year is behind me and 2014 is in full gear!
7. My friend Beth who came to work along side me last year while in Phoenix had her last day today. I'm sad I won't see her every day. She sent me a get well package when I was sick which meant so much to me. We have become great friends. Good thing she is staying in Phoenix, just getting a new job.
8. This week I combed my hair for the first time in 8 months. It felt so good. I just kept combing and combing, remembering how good it use to feel! Of course I still just use my fingers to style my hair, but that night it felt oh so good! The things you take for granted.
9. Tonight I laughed a lot with Mr. J. I'm telling you he is so, so funny. My mom always told me to marry someone who makes me laugh...
2. Mr. J and I enjoyed a walk around the the Gilbert Temple. It is so beautiful. I can't wait to have some time to do a session there. I introduced Mr. J to my favorite shaved ice. We shared an almond joy with ice cream in the middle. It was so amazingly delicious! We then did a little grocery shopping and then headed home to meet up with the kids. We all watched Marly and Me and Little girl A and I did some fingernail and toenail painting before it was time to wrap up the evening.
3. Sunday we had such great meetings on Marriage in Sunday School and endurance in RS. We fixed dinner and made cookies, before the kids had to leave us again. Always tugs at my heart stings a little when they hug me and then leave. We visited a family in our ward that needed some cookies, skyped my family and talked to his and then Mr. J talked me into watching Catching Fire. I'm not really a Hunger Games fan because I don't like the killing, but it did keep my attention and of course so does he! That evening when I got home I got this text, "Each weekend keeps getting better and better. I keep waiting for you to not want to be around me or my kids anymore but you embrace us instead. Its really incredible how loved you have us feel. You are such an amazing, strong, pretty woman. I'm still trying to figure out how you are sitting next to me. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
4. The kids have been on Spring Break this week. I love that Mr. J's career being that he owns his own business allows him to take day's off to spend with his kid's, like my dad was able to with us. Wednesday we made breakfast and then took the kid's (he was also tending another families 3 kid's while their parents were in England this week) hiking. It was rather windy, which made it so we weren't so hot. I made them spinach shakes after we all got cleaned up, which not all the kids were impressed with and then it was time for me to go to work.
Wednesday night Mr. J had a campout in the back yard with the kid's. We made 'smores and then as soon as they laid their little heads on their pillows they were out, as much as they all wanted me to campout with them, I didn't but went home and slept in my bed.
5. Thursday I skipped my workout for the first time since Feb. 3, but I made up for it this morning...I skipped it to sleep in a little and then spend time with Mr. J and the kid's. That afternoon I got a text from Mr. J that read, "Just wanted you to know how awesome I think you are. I'm so grateful that you sacrificed your day at the gym to hang with me and these wild kid's. You are an amazing woman and I'm so lucky to be the one you spend your time with. Can't wait to hold you close to me tonight."
6. This week I got my 2013 blog book in the mail. It is huge and oh so awesome. I'm grateful for the person I evolved into during 2013, but so glad that year is behind me and 2014 is in full gear!
7. My friend Beth who came to work along side me last year while in Phoenix had her last day today. I'm sad I won't see her every day. She sent me a get well package when I was sick which meant so much to me. We have become great friends. Good thing she is staying in Phoenix, just getting a new job.
8. This week I combed my hair for the first time in 8 months. It felt so good. I just kept combing and combing, remembering how good it use to feel! Of course I still just use my fingers to style my hair, but that night it felt oh so good! The things you take for granted.
9. Tonight I laughed a lot with Mr. J. I'm telling you he is so, so funny. My mom always told me to marry someone who makes me laugh...
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Just A Little Post
Just a little post to tell you I had a fabulous weekend, of course I think it was the best weekend yet! Details to come when I have a few more minutes than I have right now...Things are progressing quite well and I'm enjoying every minute I get to spend with Mr. J! My cousin Deborah sent me a text yesterday inquiring if things were still hot and heavy...oh yea baby, oh yea! Every week day I work I look forward to my evenings that I get to spend with Mr. J and I look forward to another weekend that I get to spend even more time with him. So glad it is already Tuesday which means tomorrow is our hiking day and lunch. This week it will be with the kids because they are on Spring Break, which should be lots of fun! Only 4 more days until the weekend again!
Italian Crock Pot Chicken
When my mom had hip surgery Sister Walker brought over this delicious Italian Crock Pot Chicken and she also brought it the day I came home from my 15 day hospital stay. I remember laying in bed smelling it while everyone was in the kitchen eating. I called out for someone to help me get out of bed, since I couldn't do it on my own. I surprised my mom by eating my first real meal, thanks to Sister Walker. This became my main staple for the next few weeks and I think mom actually got sick of making it and eating it, but I still love it. We made this Sunday for dinner. It was so good and is super easy and quick!
4 chicken breasts
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 package dry italian seasoning (Good Seasons Brand, not the store brand)
1 package cream cheese
1/4 cup water if you think it looks too dry
Combine ingredients and then place chicken in crock pot.
Cook on low for 6-8 hours.
When finished, shred the chicken.
Meanwhile cook your rice: 1 1/2 cups rice, 3 cups water, dash of salt and a little butter. Bring to a boil and then turn down to low for 20 minutes.
Put your cooked rice in a casserole dish, spread the chicken mixture on top. Sprinkle with cheese. Cook on 350 until cheese is melted.
I served this with watermelon and broccoli. It was a delicious meal, so much that I'm having left overs today for dinner!
4 chicken breasts
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 package dry italian seasoning (Good Seasons Brand, not the store brand)
1 package cream cheese
1/4 cup water if you think it looks too dry
Combine ingredients and then place chicken in crock pot.
Cook on low for 6-8 hours.
When finished, shred the chicken.
Meanwhile cook your rice: 1 1/2 cups rice, 3 cups water, dash of salt and a little butter. Bring to a boil and then turn down to low for 20 minutes.
Put your cooked rice in a casserole dish, spread the chicken mixture on top. Sprinkle with cheese. Cook on 350 until cheese is melted.
I served this with watermelon and broccoli. It was a delicious meal, so much that I'm having left overs today for dinner!
Honey Lime Chicken
I've been eating a lot of chicken lately, it's easy to make ahead of time. My favorite recipe these days is honey lime chicken. I like it both baked and grilled. Try this marinade and you will have a new love for chicken!
3 TBS Soy Sauce
2 TBS Honey
1/2 TBS Olive Oil
Juice from 1 Lime
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
2 TBS fresh cilantro (I'm not a cilantro fan, but I think I'm becoming one)
2-4 chicken breasts.
Combine and marinate for 2-24 hours
Either grill or cook on 350 for 35 minutes or until done.
I actually make mine at the beginning of each week and eat it cold! Taste's just as good warm as it does cold.
3 TBS Soy Sauce
2 TBS Honey
1/2 TBS Olive Oil
Juice from 1 Lime
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
2 TBS fresh cilantro (I'm not a cilantro fan, but I think I'm becoming one)
2-4 chicken breasts.
Combine and marinate for 2-24 hours
Either grill or cook on 350 for 35 minutes or until done.
I actually make mine at the beginning of each week and eat it cold! Taste's just as good warm as it does cold.
Friday, March 21, 2014
My First Hockey Game FF
1. Another fabulous weekend was had this past week! Saturday after a quick meal at Chick Filet Mr. J and his little A's and I went to my first ever hockey game. Mr. J loves hockey. This was also the kids first hockey game too. We had a blast. We each got a free St. Patricks Day t-shirt all x-large (which means I'll give mine away to some lucky person). We had great seats down by the goal. Little girl A loved the music they played and danced most of the game and was even on the jumbotron at the very end of the game. She is a doll! I had such a great time and quite enjoyed the game, especially because they won!
2. Since Mr. J's Primary co-teacher was out of town I got to fill in and go to Primary with Mr. J. I loved it. He is such a great teacher and so patient with his 10, 10 year old students. He gave a great lesson on Lot and his wife. I was quite impressed. I also quite enjoyed singing time because the kids learned one of my favorite hymns, I Stand All Amazed. There was such a sweet spirit listening to these kids sing this beautiful song about our Savior and His Atonement.
3. Mr. J surprises me a lot, which you all know I love surprises, even if they are as simple as me walking into his house after church, dropping some grocery bags and then as I turn around, he grabs me around the waste and plants an amazing kiss on my lips. It's really heavenly when he kisses me, gives me butterflies and lots of smiles! I love when he kisses my forehead too!
4. We had the missionaries over for dinner Sunday evening and had breakfast for dinner and of course a yummy mudslide St. Patricks day dessert. We also had fun skyping my family and talking to his dad.
5. Of course Mr. J and I love Wednesday mornings! We hiked North Mountain this week. The first part was up a rocky area which connected to a paved uphill path. We could have turned around when we got to the top of the mountain and gone back down the paved path, but we chose to go down the backside of the mountain which was by far the best way, because it was a little difficult. It was an awesome hike. I don't think I would ever hike up the way we came down, but coming down was a nice workout. I love hiking with Mr. J! I made my southwest chicken wraps for lunch and Mr. J cut up fruit. We have delicious pineapple here and I'm loving it!
6. Yesterday Mr. J and his little A's picked me up for dinner. We went to Pot Belly Subs, which is one of my favorite sandwich places and mostly only around Chicago.
7. Of course I'm still loving my nightly visits with Mr. J. We laugh a lot, especially while watching Jimmy Fallon. I've never been a late night TV show girl, but he is so funny.
8. I'm still working out 5-6 days a week, haven't missed a workout at all since I've been here and I'm loving the benefits. I just have to remember that muscle weights more than fat and realize if the clothes are getting to big that means I'm making progress. Can't wait to go home in 2 weeks and get me a new wardrobe, kind of getting tired of wearing the same thing all the time, since remember I only packed 1 suitcase, even though I do seem to buy something new every week...This week I found an awesome pair of tall brown sandals at the Goodwill for $6 and a darling Summer dress with butterfly's on it for $13 bucks at Ross!
2. Since Mr. J's Primary co-teacher was out of town I got to fill in and go to Primary with Mr. J. I loved it. He is such a great teacher and so patient with his 10, 10 year old students. He gave a great lesson on Lot and his wife. I was quite impressed. I also quite enjoyed singing time because the kids learned one of my favorite hymns, I Stand All Amazed. There was such a sweet spirit listening to these kids sing this beautiful song about our Savior and His Atonement.
3. Mr. J surprises me a lot, which you all know I love surprises, even if they are as simple as me walking into his house after church, dropping some grocery bags and then as I turn around, he grabs me around the waste and plants an amazing kiss on my lips. It's really heavenly when he kisses me, gives me butterflies and lots of smiles! I love when he kisses my forehead too!
4. We had the missionaries over for dinner Sunday evening and had breakfast for dinner and of course a yummy mudslide St. Patricks day dessert. We also had fun skyping my family and talking to his dad.
5. Of course Mr. J and I love Wednesday mornings! We hiked North Mountain this week. The first part was up a rocky area which connected to a paved uphill path. We could have turned around when we got to the top of the mountain and gone back down the paved path, but we chose to go down the backside of the mountain which was by far the best way, because it was a little difficult. It was an awesome hike. I don't think I would ever hike up the way we came down, but coming down was a nice workout. I love hiking with Mr. J! I made my southwest chicken wraps for lunch and Mr. J cut up fruit. We have delicious pineapple here and I'm loving it!
6. Yesterday Mr. J and his little A's picked me up for dinner. We went to Pot Belly Subs, which is one of my favorite sandwich places and mostly only around Chicago.
7. Of course I'm still loving my nightly visits with Mr. J. We laugh a lot, especially while watching Jimmy Fallon. I've never been a late night TV show girl, but he is so funny.
8. I'm still working out 5-6 days a week, haven't missed a workout at all since I've been here and I'm loving the benefits. I just have to remember that muscle weights more than fat and realize if the clothes are getting to big that means I'm making progress. Can't wait to go home in 2 weeks and get me a new wardrobe, kind of getting tired of wearing the same thing all the time, since remember I only packed 1 suitcase, even though I do seem to buy something new every week...This week I found an awesome pair of tall brown sandals at the Goodwill for $6 and a darling Summer dress with butterfly's on it for $13 bucks at Ross!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Mr. J
Things I love about Mr. J:
1. He is awesome at doing laundry, mopping up spilled soda and is behind me cleaning up my messes in the kitchen (because we all know I'm a messy cook).
2. How affectionate he is towards me and the way he squeezes me when he hugs me.
3. The way he reads The Hungry Caterpillar every night to little girl A; it is so cute!
4. He keeps a spotless car; no food or crayons in the car. (I wonder if he had a bad experience with melted crayons in the car, this is Phoenix after all)
5. He has funny replies like when I tell him he drinks too much coke and could be saving that money for Disneyland tickets, including one before 8am he says, "I'm thinking about all the people that get to interact with me and how much happier they are because I had my coke."
6. He makes me melt in the driveway when he clasps my cheeks in his hands, kisses me and says, "see ya pretty girl."
7. He is a trickster in a funny way like when I tell him my pet peeve is when cupboards or drawers are open and then I turn around from what I'm doing in the kitchen and all the drawers and cupboards are open.
8. He wrinkles his nose when he is being funny and laughing.
9. He says nice things to me like yesterday after our hike when I told him I felt bad he had to be with me during my bad boy haircut growing out stage his reply, "Your hair is so superficial. You are more than you hair." I love that he see's me for me and not for my hair. Granted a few weeks ago he did ask me if I was going to grow it out; of course!
10. He surprises me with frozen kitkats at random times.
11. When I say I need to go at 11 and he just pulls me into his arms or picks me up and sits me on his lap, kisses me and then does it again at 1130 and 12 and then I finally say really this time I need to go at 1230...
1. He is awesome at doing laundry, mopping up spilled soda and is behind me cleaning up my messes in the kitchen (because we all know I'm a messy cook).
2. How affectionate he is towards me and the way he squeezes me when he hugs me.
3. The way he reads The Hungry Caterpillar every night to little girl A; it is so cute!
4. He keeps a spotless car; no food or crayons in the car. (I wonder if he had a bad experience with melted crayons in the car, this is Phoenix after all)
5. He has funny replies like when I tell him he drinks too much coke and could be saving that money for Disneyland tickets, including one before 8am he says, "I'm thinking about all the people that get to interact with me and how much happier they are because I had my coke."
6. He makes me melt in the driveway when he clasps my cheeks in his hands, kisses me and says, "see ya pretty girl."
7. He is a trickster in a funny way like when I tell him my pet peeve is when cupboards or drawers are open and then I turn around from what I'm doing in the kitchen and all the drawers and cupboards are open.
8. He wrinkles his nose when he is being funny and laughing.
9. He says nice things to me like yesterday after our hike when I told him I felt bad he had to be with me during my bad boy haircut growing out stage his reply, "Your hair is so superficial. You are more than you hair." I love that he see's me for me and not for my hair. Granted a few weeks ago he did ask me if I was going to grow it out; of course!
10. He surprises me with frozen kitkats at random times.
11. When I say I need to go at 11 and he just pulls me into his arms or picks me up and sits me on his lap, kisses me and then does it again at 1130 and 12 and then I finally say really this time I need to go at 1230...
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Integrative Medicine Testimonial
The week I was losing my hair we had this photo shoot...I was excited to see this on the St. Lukes Integrative Medicine website tonight and so happy to be a part of such an amazing work!
Terah Young Massage
Most of us think of massage for stress release and relaxation, and that is indeed a valuable gift for patients undergoing treatment for cancer. But massage can also enhance healing and treat specific medical issues.
That's what happened to Terah Young, who had her first experience with integrative medicine through therapeutic massage. Terah was recovering in the hospital following surgery for ovarian cancer when she developed serious stomach discomfort. Her stomach was not allowing food to pass into the intestines. St. Luke's MSTI massage therapist, Susan Stockton, used massage to relax and release Terah's duodenum. She felt immediate relief.
Susan, a neuromuscular and massage therapist, taught the technique to Terah and her mother, showing them how to relax the tissue with a soft, gentle touch, like massaging a newborn baby. "The level of Susan's expertise and her calming presence made me feel peaceful and relaxed, even in the hospital," Terah says. "Because of her I healed quicker and was able to be released from the hospital sooner."
As an emergency medicine physician assistant, Terah knows the ER really well. But until she became a patient, she knew little about the practice of oncology, and even less about integrative medicine. That has definitely changed.
"I've learned there are more ways than pills and surgery, that everything has its place," she says. "I'm open to exploring alternatives, aromatherapy, healing touch, exercise, vitamins, walking."
Terah frequently blogs about her cancer experience and says it's made her want to be a better caregiver. "I'll be more sympathetic to my patients' pain, more compassionate," she says. "And I'm now willing to consider other alternatives; I'm definitely open to referring patients to integrative medicine. It has shown me to be open to change. With the help of the entire St. Luke's team, having an illness that could potentially take my life has been a blessing and a positive life-changing experience."
Terah Young Massage
That's what happened to Terah Young, who had her first experience with integrative medicine through therapeutic massage. Terah was recovering in the hospital following surgery for ovarian cancer when she developed serious stomach discomfort. Her stomach was not allowing food to pass into the intestines. St. Luke's MSTI massage therapist, Susan Stockton, used massage to relax and release Terah's duodenum. She felt immediate relief.
Susan, a neuromuscular and massage therapist, taught the technique to Terah and her mother, showing them how to relax the tissue with a soft, gentle touch, like massaging a newborn baby. "The level of Susan's expertise and her calming presence made me feel peaceful and relaxed, even in the hospital," Terah says. "Because of her I healed quicker and was able to be released from the hospital sooner."
As an emergency medicine physician assistant, Terah knows the ER really well. But until she became a patient, she knew little about the practice of oncology, and even less about integrative medicine. That has definitely changed.
"I've learned there are more ways than pills and surgery, that everything has its place," she says. "I'm open to exploring alternatives, aromatherapy, healing touch, exercise, vitamins, walking."
Terah frequently blogs about her cancer experience and says it's made her want to be a better caregiver. "I'll be more sympathetic to my patients' pain, more compassionate," she says. "And I'm now willing to consider other alternatives; I'm definitely open to referring patients to integrative medicine. It has shown me to be open to change. With the help of the entire St. Luke's team, having an illness that could potentially take my life has been a blessing and a positive life-changing experience."
Monday, March 17, 2014
Feeling Oh, So Lucky!
I'm pretty sure I haven't felt this LUCKY, happy or complete in all of my life. It's a crazy thing to think of that in this vast world of millions of people that all of a sudden on an ordinary day you meet someone who you don't want to be without! I'm so lucky to have this amazing man and his two sweet children in my life. I keep having to pinch myself to see if this is really happening; definitely not what I was expecting when I came here, but so grateful and happy that it has!
Yesterday we celebrated today's holiday by having breakfast for dinner complete with green eggs, green milk, french toast, bacon and a rainbow of fruit. The kids loved the green milk. I had such fun making a basket for Mr. J and his little A's full of green things!
Mr. J sent me a text that said, "I just read the card you slipped in this huge basket of amazingness. You are so sweet and I am definitely the lucky one. I'm so grateful to have you in my life and thankful for your influence around my kids." And tonight when I apologized for keeping him up late (by him helping me bag my chicken which was $1.49 a pound and which he also went to buy for me today while I was at work) his reply, "I will gladly wait up for you just so I can get to hold you in my arms. Don't you dare apologize for making me happy and complete. Sweet dreams amazing woman!" It's awesome that we both feel so happy and complete; what a great feeling and how LUCKY we are to have each other!
Yesterday we celebrated today's holiday by having breakfast for dinner complete with green eggs, green milk, french toast, bacon and a rainbow of fruit. The kids loved the green milk. I had such fun making a basket for Mr. J and his little A's full of green things!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Citrus Blossom FF
1. At this very moment I am swinging on the swing in the backyard smelling the amazing aroma of citrus blossoms. I wish I could put a scratch and sniff sticker of what I'm smelling on my blog so that you could all smell it too! It is so incredibly delicious smelling! The entire month of March smells like this and I'm loving it!
2. Speaking of things that I'm loving; spending all of my free time with Mr. J. Mr. J and I can't seem to get enough time with each other. I see him every day, which is something I've never experienced, except for maybe when I was in High School. I love that he only lives 2 miles from me and I don't have to drive 30 minutes to see him. When he returned Sunday evening after being gone for only 2 1/2 days I felt like Heaven in his arms! I love that I fit so perfectly in them! He is so funny and I love that we both laugh a lot when we are together.
3. Saturday morning I went for my 4 mile jog. I jog to a park and then all over it. I see lots of different things going on at the park; dog training, tennis matches, baseball games, swimming lessons, people having breakfast and drinking diet coke, kids playing on the playground equipment, other joggers and walkers and people just enjoying a Saturday morning at the park. I love this time of my week when I can put my headphones in and get lost in my thoughts!
4. I went to the noon session at the Mesa Temple on Saturday. There were only 9 people in the entire session, pretty crazy. The temple is so beautiful. It was such a relaxing, wonderful experience. The sister that I did work for was Daisy Rose, who was born in Louisiana in 1880. I told Mr. J he needed to add Rose to his cute little dogs name because her name is Daisy. I'm not a dog person, but this dog is darling and well trained. After the temple I went to the play Oklahoma by myself, something I've never done, but I wanted to see it at the Hale Theater and I had my afternoon free so I took advantage of the opportunity. I had a front row seat amongst the senior citizens who also attended the matinee. It was such a cute play, a little long but cute! I then met Deborah, her kids, Laura's kids and Leslie and Gordon at In & Out. I've never been there and don't think I'd frequent it either. Not sure what all the hype is about, but I've definitely had better hamburgers. Deborah, Leslie and I then went to the delicious shaved ice place with ice cream in the middle. We shared the calories from one shaved ice. It was so delicious.
5. Wednesday Mr. J and I hiked Lookout Mountain. We could see the Phoenix Temple that is being built from the top of the mountain. It was a little more difficult than last week's hike but I enjoyed it and my hiking partner. He said to me, "This week Lookout Mountain, next week Make-out point!" I told you he is funny! I love it! We of course enjoyed lunch and then I had to go to work. Insert sad face =(. I look like a nerd-brain in this picture. I told Mr. J no more ugly picture taking of me, he thinks I look cute here. Whatever. You can't see Mr. J's awesome eyes in the picture, but I promise I'll get one for you this weekend!
6. Yesterday morning I woke to little white roses and a note that said, "Thanks again for another wonderful Wednesday." AHHHHHH! I'm excited for another wonderful weekend with Mr. J and the little A's!
2. Speaking of things that I'm loving; spending all of my free time with Mr. J. Mr. J and I can't seem to get enough time with each other. I see him every day, which is something I've never experienced, except for maybe when I was in High School. I love that he only lives 2 miles from me and I don't have to drive 30 minutes to see him. When he returned Sunday evening after being gone for only 2 1/2 days I felt like Heaven in his arms! I love that I fit so perfectly in them! He is so funny and I love that we both laugh a lot when we are together.
3. Saturday morning I went for my 4 mile jog. I jog to a park and then all over it. I see lots of different things going on at the park; dog training, tennis matches, baseball games, swimming lessons, people having breakfast and drinking diet coke, kids playing on the playground equipment, other joggers and walkers and people just enjoying a Saturday morning at the park. I love this time of my week when I can put my headphones in and get lost in my thoughts!
4. I went to the noon session at the Mesa Temple on Saturday. There were only 9 people in the entire session, pretty crazy. The temple is so beautiful. It was such a relaxing, wonderful experience. The sister that I did work for was Daisy Rose, who was born in Louisiana in 1880. I told Mr. J he needed to add Rose to his cute little dogs name because her name is Daisy. I'm not a dog person, but this dog is darling and well trained. After the temple I went to the play Oklahoma by myself, something I've never done, but I wanted to see it at the Hale Theater and I had my afternoon free so I took advantage of the opportunity. I had a front row seat amongst the senior citizens who also attended the matinee. It was such a cute play, a little long but cute! I then met Deborah, her kids, Laura's kids and Leslie and Gordon at In & Out. I've never been there and don't think I'd frequent it either. Not sure what all the hype is about, but I've definitely had better hamburgers. Deborah, Leslie and I then went to the delicious shaved ice place with ice cream in the middle. We shared the calories from one shaved ice. It was so delicious.
5. Wednesday Mr. J and I hiked Lookout Mountain. We could see the Phoenix Temple that is being built from the top of the mountain. It was a little more difficult than last week's hike but I enjoyed it and my hiking partner. He said to me, "This week Lookout Mountain, next week Make-out point!" I told you he is funny! I love it! We of course enjoyed lunch and then I had to go to work. Insert sad face =(. I look like a nerd-brain in this picture. I told Mr. J no more ugly picture taking of me, he thinks I look cute here. Whatever. You can't see Mr. J's awesome eyes in the picture, but I promise I'll get one for you this weekend!
6. Yesterday morning I woke to little white roses and a note that said, "Thanks again for another wonderful Wednesday." AHHHHHH! I'm excited for another wonderful weekend with Mr. J and the little A's!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Today I read the following quote,
"If someone seriously wants to be a part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it. No reasons. No excuses."
I heard a great song on the radio yesterday that made me think of how I feel about Mr. J. It's by Katie Armiger called Safe. I love the lyrics, especially the first verse, reminds me of his awesome blue eyes...
I wasn't lookin' for love
It didn't really fit inside of my world but
One look in your eyes, and I completely changed my mind
I wasn't lookin' for you
But you found me just like you were made to
And it's crazy now to think about how we almost lived without each other
I, I,
Love spendin' all my time
Lying right here by your side
A place that I can always stay, cause you
You make me feel safe
You make me feel safe
Friday, March 7, 2014
More 'Smores FF
1. My weeks in Phoenix just get more and more fabulous! This week didn't disappoint by any means. Probably my favorite week since being here! Saturday I went for a 4 mile jog, finally able to clock 4.2 miles after 9 months! Since it was Saturday it was shopping time for me, as I think that is what I use to do on Saturdays before working so many weekends the past 10 years. I then went and had a pedicure, which I totally needed. The girl next to me had on this awesome green nail polish with a sparkle overlay and it looked so cute that I copied her! Got to get into the Lucky Month Spirit!
2. Saturday afternoon after Mr. J picked up the kids I headed over to his house where we made kabobs with the tons and tons of vegetables that I got from the awesome Moving Market at work on Friday for only $10. They were delicious as was our fresh fruit salad with the best pineapple I've had in a long time. We watched the Cultural Celebration for the Gilbert Temple which was on our local TV. The sad part is that it poured all day and evening and was a wet mess, but it was still done well.
3. Sunday Mr. J picked me up bright and early so that we could attend the Gilbert Temple Dedication. It was such a neat experience. Afterwards I came home, changed and then headed over to his house where I made Grandma B's southern squash casserole, of course with the help of the little A's. It was delicious! We had dinner at my cousin Laura's with Aunt Leslie, Uncle Gordon and Deborah and her family. It was fun to spend time with my cousins and to spend the entire day with Mr. J! The kids even had a great time watching Frozen. And the Little A's fit right in!
When the kids left for the evening with their mom, we watched 7 pounds which I have never seen and was so good! This day was indeed a great day and I came home a very happy girl!
When the kids left for the evening with their mom, we watched 7 pounds which I have never seen and was so good! This day was indeed a great day and I came home a very happy girl!
4. Tuesday I told Mr. J that I was going to wake the kids up when I got to his house after work, but he surprised me and kept them up until I got there. It is so cute to see him get his kids ready for bed and have prayers with them.
5. Wednesday's are quickly becoming my favorite days! Mr. J and I hiked this awesome mountain that I was able to climb right up, although I will admit there was a part that was a little scary heading to the top! It was an awesome view from the top though and worth the scary part. This is me pointing at the valley...
For lunch he took me to this great Greek restaurant which is just down the street. It was amazing! When I got off of work Wednesday I was met in the yard by the kids and Mr. J where they had made a fire which was ready for us to make 'smores! Sweet girl little A fell asleep in my arms in front of the fire.
For lunch he took me to this great Greek restaurant which is just down the street. It was amazing! When I got off of work Wednesday I was met in the yard by the kids and Mr. J where they had made a fire which was ready for us to make 'smores! Sweet girl little A fell asleep in my arms in front of the fire.
6. Mr. J is super funny. I have never laughed so much as I have since I met him. He said the funniest thing the other day, "I feel like all I do is laundry and dishes." I mean really how often do you hear that come from a man's mouth. I heard on the radio today that if you laugh for 15 minutes a day that you can lose 4 pounds a year just from laughing!
7. When I went out to my car to go to the gym yesterday morning a sweet bouquet of handpicked flowers were under my windshield with a note in all capital letters that said, "Hey You! These are for you to enjoy but not consume! I know how much you like organic stuff and fruits and vegetables. Just need you to know how amazing I think you are. Thanks for being you!" Ahhhhhhh, totally made my day.
Even better was when Mr. J and the kids picked me up for my dinner break so that we could have dinner together. All of my nurses thought the kids were darling and Mr. J. was so handsome which is so true, they say he looks like Bradley Cooper, I think I would have to agree too. Mr. J. is visiting his parents this weekend in Utah for their mission farewell, which means I'm on my own for the next few days. No worries, I have plenty of things to keep my busy.
8. This past Monday I planned on it being the day that I would no longer wear any kind of cover up on my head. I think it was a wise decision. It has been so freeing! Slowly but surely it's growing! And I think I'm liking the pixie look! When I walked in the door on Tuesday the kids said, "you cut your hair." Yep I did! So here it is at 3 months of grow out! I think it is a wee bit lighter than before maybe? I'm almost thinking it is time for a trim in the back...
Even better was when Mr. J and the kids picked me up for my dinner break so that we could have dinner together. All of my nurses thought the kids were darling and Mr. J. was so handsome which is so true, they say he looks like Bradley Cooper, I think I would have to agree too. Mr. J. is visiting his parents this weekend in Utah for their mission farewell, which means I'm on my own for the next few days. No worries, I have plenty of things to keep my busy.
8. This past Monday I planned on it being the day that I would no longer wear any kind of cover up on my head. I think it was a wise decision. It has been so freeing! Slowly but surely it's growing! And I think I'm liking the pixie look! When I walked in the door on Tuesday the kids said, "you cut your hair." Yep I did! So here it is at 3 months of grow out! I think it is a wee bit lighter than before maybe? I'm almost thinking it is time for a trim in the back...
9. Sunday I got a call from American Express telling me that someone had been using my credit card in Texas. I love this company. They immediately took off the charges and sent me a new card.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Last night or rather this morning at 1am as I quietly crept inside thinking my aunt couldn't possibly be awake I hear, "Your Grounded." But I had a very good excuse as most teenagers do when they are late getting home from a date, even though I wasn't on a date, "We were talking and it got so late that we lost track of time." And that's the truth, well from his perspective, I was watching the clock all along. And then she listened while I talked to her about this great man that I'm learning so much about and admiring and realizing I am liking him a little more each day. And then she forgave me and we went to bed, but not before he sent me a text that said, "Thank You for being so great!" And of course I got ungrounded because Aunt Leslie wants to hear more about this fantastic man when I get home tonight, before midnight of course!
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