I had such a great time in Seattle. So I must finish giving a synopsis of my time there. Friday Tenielle and I woke up with cold symptoms. Not good or enjoyable, but we made the best of it. Friday we drove about 2 hours to the German town Leavenworth. When I was in the fourth grade, my parents took us there as a side trip after our family reunion. The drive was beautiful. There was so much snow and the waterfalls were ice. The town was rather barren and it was very, very cold, but we had a great time. We even had a little German lunch, probably not anyone's favorite, but it was the experience that was worth it.
My conferance started Saturday morning. I went to the first class and decided that I would have to skip the rest of the day, so that I could take advantage of the time I had with my family. So we went to Pike's Market. It is a fun and exciting place with lots of fresh flowers, fish, fruit, vegie's, and baked goods. The sun was nice a bright, but it was still cool. I bought two pounds of delicious cherry's for $5. I thought it to be quite a deal as I had seen them for $9 a pound in NC the week before.
My dad loves aquariums, so we couldn't go to Seattle without going to the aquarium. It was pretty fun to see all of the kids with their parents. I think that dad had just as much fun as the kids. This aquaium didn't beat the one at Myrtle Beach, but was worth the trip. We strolled down the waterfront shops for a bit, but it didn't last long as the wind was a bit stinging to the nose.
For lunch we went to Duke's Chowder House. I had heard great raves about it from the lady I sat by on the plane and Marlene. It was pretty good, but way over priced. $6.99 for a small cup of clam chowder! It was then time to take mom and dad to the airport, as dad had to get back for his Sunday meetings. Tenille and I then met my dear friends Jack and Aubrey Richins at this amazing Tai restuarant. It was delisious. It is always so fun to see these friends of mine. Aubrey and I met at BYU the one and only summer semester that I attened. It was meant to be as we have developed a lasting friendship. We then went to a surprise party of their friends and had banana splits with lots of fresh fruit. I must admit, banana splits are one of my most favorite treats of all time. I don't know what it is about them, but they are yummy.
So when we left, we came out to snow. Huge flakes, it didn't last long though. We took the rental car back to the airport and then caught the shuttle back to the hotel. About 30 minutes after arriving back to the hotel, I noticed I didn't have my phone. To make a long story short, I believe that when cleaning out the car, I threw my phone in the garbage. It has been a real pain in the side as I have no phone numbers. It isn't like anyone memorizes phone numbers these days. We are so lazy.
Sunday morning I attend a test taking class. It was really enjoyable and I actually scored quite well on the practice test. I realized through this conferance, that I know a lot more that I think I know and don't feel as anxious to take my recert boards. Teneille left Sunday morning. It was fun to spend the short time that I did with family. I spent three and a half days learning and refreshing medical material. It was almost too much, but well worth the trip. I spent most of the time as I sat and listened, crocheting socks and blankets. There are so many people having babies. In fact Tristen informed us on Saturday that she is expecting her first. According to the Chinese Calender, she will be having a boy. We shall see if it is correct.
Wednesday afternoon Aubry picked me up. We went to TJ Max and then home to wait for the kiddies. She has four darling kids. It is always fun to be in a home with kids running around. Aubrey is such a wonderful mother. She is very patient and relaxed. I hope that I am like that when I have kids. That night we watched a cute hallmark show.
Thursday we went to the 10am session at the temple. It was such a treat to be able to go to the temple with my dear friend. The Seattle temple is beautiful. I was amazed at how many people were in our session on a Thursday morning. Afterwards we went to lunch and then to Marshalls. Then to pick up the kids from her friends. We stayed at chatted a bit with her friends. I left that evening on the red eye. I had a great seat, right behind first class. There was a lot of leg room. I am going to have to remember to get that seat from now on. I sat by some very funny men who had been in Seattle on business. So there you have it. Another trip for the record books. Next week my travels will take me to Alabama. Stay tuned for my Alabama adventures.
Sounds like a fun trip, Terah!
ReplyDeleteAnd you did a great job on your lesson Sunday, by the way!