After lunch we sat and talked for a while, which was fun. I am sure our waiter wanted to get us out of there, but instead we enjoyed conversation over a piece of delicious Pumpkin Cheesecake. I love this time of year all because of autumn leaves and pumpkin. I love pumpkins, pumpkin cheesecake, ice cream, cookies, you name it or make it and I will eat it!
Later in the day we went to Tyler and Danielle's to visit them and Kadyn. And on our way home, Troy called to say him, Beckie and Gavin were at my parents. Let's just say when I hit the bed that night, I didn't hear anyone snoring. It was the best night's sleep in at least 3 days.
Tuesday morning mom and I went to Costco, where Beckie and Danielle met us. We also ran into a few friends, which is always fun. That day was Tristen and Mitch's third Anniversary, so they brought Aidree over and they went to dinner. Oh, she is so darling. But when she is hungry, you better feed her.
Wednesday the girls came over for lunch and I made my friend Karen Mattingly's fabulous Chicken Sandwiches. Oh, they were to die for. In fact we had them again on Thursday for lunch too. Tristen's husband went to the temple with the youth, so she spent most of the day and evening at mom's.
Thursday we decorated Halloween cookies with the boys. Let's just say that only lasted for about 5 minutes, but it was fun and brought back the day's of my childhood when my mom made sugar cookies for every holiday.
Thursday night I met my cousin Alisha and her husband and Tristen and Mitch at a fake Cafe' Rio, I can't remember the name, but it does kind of resemble Cafe Rio. The kicker was when I found a hair in my salad. Alisha, Jason, and I then went to the temple, where their ward had ward temple night. I don't think that our ward has ward temple night. I have never heard them announce it anyway. Probably because it is too far for the whole ward to drive all in one night. Anyway, we did sealings because we would have had to wait over an hour for endowment. There were that many people and they start every half hour. Talk about fill the temple. It was great.
So I drove home from Boise and then drove back, because Tristen was afraid that I wouldn't make it over in time to babysit Friday morning. After babysitting, the kids came in from SLC and mom and dad came to Tristen's and we had Pizza. I don't eat Pizza very often, because I can't eat a whole pizza by myself.
Saturday Tony, Tanner, Tenielle, and I went to lunch with Grandma Betty. She loved it. She had us each tell a good thing and a not so good thing going on in our lives at the moment. It was fun to hear the different things that my siblings were dealing with in life. Later that evening we met Tyler and Danielle at Johnny Carino's for dinner. After dinner Tanner, Tenielle, and I went over to Grandma and Grandpa Young's. We chatted with them for over an hour. Grandma seem very well and they both made us laugh. I get my love for candy from my Grandma Young, because she has it all over her house and she had just restocked because it was all fresh.
Sunday we went to my cousin Ben's Homecoming. He went to the Washington D.C. South Mission. He did an amazing job on his talk. After we went to my Aunt Thalia's and had my only home cooked meal of the week. My mom has gotten lazy in her old age.
We then drove back to SLC. We stopped off and saw my friend Steve in Ogden. It is always good to see him. He makes me smile. Tony then took me to the airport, where I was suppose to take the Red Eye, but because they were overbooked I got a $400 voucher and they put me up in a hotel room. I should have just gone back to Tenielle's, as I didn't sleep too well, but It saved them from getting up to early to take me back to the airport, not that it matter's, because she only lives 10 minutes from the airport. So that was my trip. It was quick and mom said that next time I go home that we need to just stay home and not go anywhere. We really didn't got anywhere, the time just flies by so fast. We had a great time though and I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, when we will all be in SLC.
Wow! You really packed it in, didn't you? =) Sounds like a great week!