Cousins and my Dad's Sisters.
Those that have asked can view the few edited family pictures on
Photo Caution: Remember I was on vacation so I wasn't always wearing lipstick, my hair wasn't always stylish, and some of us aren't always picturesque, but we sure had a grand time together.
Last week I was on vacation from blogging, working, cleaning, going to the gym, eating healthy, making my bed, etc. Oh, what fun it was. It is always amazing to me though how fast one week or 7 days can fly by. As I reflect upon the last week, I realize I was even more busy than I am when I am not on vacation. I know you are asking so what did you do? Well, bright and early Monday morning I had my annual dental cleaning by my sister Tristen. By then it was lunchtime and we had a lovely lunch at our hometown cafe, The Robin's Nest, where they always start you off with this amazing sour cream green Chile dip and chips. I always have a cup of their delicious Stuffed Potato Soup made with of course real Idaho Potato's. And they have this out of this world Strawberry salad with a raspberry vinagarette. Yes, it is to die for. Well, then of course it was time for a short afternoon nap, but I think I slept for about an hour and a half, even longer than Aidree. Of course then it being FHE, we decided it would be best to meet at the park with everyone and have a picnic. It was a perfect evening for one too and the boys had great fun at the playground and grandma's house stayed clean! Of course, we just sat around holding babies and chatting, however I will give Tyler and Danielle a thumbs up for the delicious sugar-free pomegranate juice that they donated to the meal.
Tuesday was my hair day. I have been going to the same person for several years. She always does a great job and I enjoy visiting with her. We went to school together and she later married my cousin. She now has five children. Amazing, I don't think I will ever make it to five, but she seems so relaxed and always fits me into her busy schedule.
We all made our way slowly up to the cabin Tuesday afternoon, but on our way up we had to stop for Snow Cones. This is my favorite thing about summer in Boise. There is something about shaved ice that I can't describe. It makes me very happy. I always get peach, however on our way home we stopped by again and I got Tigersblood, which Tenielle always gets and I think my new favorite flavor.
Cabin fun is always around. No internet, phone, or tv means finding your own fun. It is amazing to me how three year olds can find fun and get dirty fast. I asked Kadyn and Gavin what they were building, "a wode of cose" or rather "a road of course."
Their building skills take after their father's I'm sure; they are starting young. They actually had so much fun outside that they put their efforts of potty training on the side. Oh, something I really don't look forward to ever! Those poor parents.
Of course the four wheelers are always a hit for the big ones and the little ones, however I'm not quite sure that Aidree is into them quite yet, but she sure did have fun outside getting dirty and eating pine cones!
They looked worse the next day. These were only a few hours after the accident.
Of course my favorite parts about the cabin are sitting on the porch, this time rocking babies and who doesn't love a 'smore while sitting around the camp fire?
We weren't at the cabin but a few days and then we headed back to the house where we relaxed for an evening. We had just all showered when we had friends drop in. In fact none of us had makeup on and our hair was wet, but at least we didn't smell like campfire or have dirt on our faces. It is always fun to have friends come by when I'm home. My cousin Alisha even drove over for the evening.
Thursday we had a small baby shower for Danielle and Karston. Grandma Betty held Karston for 2 whole hours. She wouldn't give him up and loved every minute of it.
Friday I picked my cousin Alisha up and we headed to the temple. We then went to the Cheesecake Factory and shared a lunch salad and pizza, however mom and dad called just as we sat down and ended up joining us and sharing 1 lunch salad, a pizza, and two pieces of cheesecake. Of course we weren't starving a few hours later when we went to Tyler and Danielle's for Spaghetti Dinner, but we ate it anyway, which was lovely of course!
Alisha's daughter was staying at her parents that night and her boys had a water activity, so guess what? Alisha and I had a slumber party. Yep, even though we are in our 30's we still have them! We actually spent most of the evening over at Grandpa Honey Bee's and Grandma Betty's chatting with them and their daughter Marne and her husband Tim who had flown in that evening from Seattle, about books. I even got a new one from Grandma Betty which I am quite enjoying already!
Saturday morning we had breakfast at a lovely cafe in town and then I headed to Deseret Book for some last minute shopping. Then it was off to the Airport. Can you tell my vacation is always about what we ate or where we ate? I'm a social eater and am sure I gained a few pounds, but tomorrow is the gym and 11 of 12 days of work before going back for Karston's Blessing and Aidree's first birthday!
Here are some of my favorite photo's from this trip...
This was a baby present from our friend Pamela. We thought it was adorable on each of them.
Looks like everything a trip home should be! (Well, maybe not the rolling-the-four-wheeler part...) And I'm all about the yummy food, too. =)