The last few days I've been wanting to paint my front hall. Actually, I've been wanting to paint it for nearly 4 years. Well, last night after a crappy day at work my friend and VT Lauren came over and helped me paint the wall. Initially she came to help me tape, since I stink at it. However I really needed to take my stress out and so I took it out with a paint brush and paint. We had this job done in just over an hour. I was impressed with both of our work. It is amazing how fast a job like that can be finished when 2 people are doing it. I love the outcome. I have been wanting to put more pictures and vinyl lettering on this bare wall, but haven't because I had planned on painting first. Needless to say I think I maybe using Lauren's painting skills more often because when taking down the one and only picture I had on the wall, I hit it on the corner of the opposite wall and it now has a lovely small black indention.
I have the picture frames and the pictures, but just not quite sure about positioning. Therefore I have yet to hang the frames or put the pictures in the frames.
So the wall still kind of looks bare, but at least has a little color.
Maybe I'll have to see if Lauren wants to do a whole house... =)