1. We are going to Hilton Head via CLT today. Need I say more. Nothing is more fabulous than going back to "my roots" Hoping to stop into see my night crew in the ER tonight. Beach, conference, good food, family fun here we come!
2. I learned this week that I give the most vantage rx. than anyone else in UC, meaning I rake in a lot of money for my company. I guess that's a good thing.
3. I got a new travel bag this week. My favorite red one has to retire. Every time I travel I worry the straps are going to rip completely off leaving me stranded in an airport with a heavy bag with one handle and looking stupid.
4. I finally got my temple recommend renewed this week. There is just something about having a current temple recommend. The 3 weeks it was expired felt weird.
5. I had a patient tell me I looked to young for my profession this week. That was a positive thing since I feel like I'm looking older with my wrinkles and bags under my eyes. Mom told me working the night shift was going to age me and she was probably right.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Summer Reading
My Grandma Betty and I both love to read. Growing up I always looked forward to the summer when I would have Tuesday mornings alone with Grandma Betty. You see Tuesday mornings were the time we would go to the Nampa Library for the summer reading program. We have always lived in the county and since we weren't rich enough, my family didn't have a city library card, but Grandma Betty did. So from the time I was in first grade through Junior High, each Tuesday during the summer was set apart for library time. When Tristen got old enough, she would go as well and I'm sure Tenielle went from time to time to. Typically each summer afternoon for an hour it was mandatory in our home that each of us go to our room or wherever we wanted spending an hour in our favorite novel. For some of us, however we could spend all day enjoying the characters in our books. Just because I don't go to the library with Grandma Betty each Tuesday doesn't mean I've given up this tradition, in fact I think I treasure it even more. I especially look forward to this summer given the fact that I haven't spent a summer at home for over 11 years. I'm already collecting my summer reads. Grandma Betty and I continue even as adults to enjoy talking about what we are reading and share books with each other. I've ordered several books and have enjoyed getting them in the mail. I'm going to the beach today. One of my favorite things to do is get lost in a novel on the beach while listening to the waves roar against the shore and the sun beating down on my skin. These days instead of going to the library I go to Costco for book ideas and then I come home and order them on Half.com or Amazon.com for $.75 plus shipping which is still cheaper than Costco and then I get to share the good books with my sisters and Alisha. So far my summer reads include but are not limited to:
Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson (which I've already started...it's just okay. Too much talk about having the dream life of being a wife and a mother so far, I'm sure it will get better.)
The Walk Series by Richard Paul Evans #2 and #3
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Recommended by my friend Kaycee who couldn't believe I've never read this classic. It still remains on the NY best seller list, so it must be good.
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Crossing To Safety by Wallace Stegner. Recommended by a blog reader
Surround Yourself With Greatness by Chad Lewis previous Philadelphia Eagles Football player who spoke at Womens Conference.
These Is My Words by Nancy Turner. My Charlotte friends, especially Taya have raved about this one. Can't wait to dive into it.
I'm currently reading At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks and Suck In Your Stomach and Put Some Color On: What Southern mommas tell their daughters that the rest of Y'all should know by Shelly Rushing Tomlinson. Thanks to my friend Lauren. The funny thing about this book is my Western mother taught me the same things that are taught in this book by Southern momma's.
One of my most favorite summer reads is The Secret Life of Bee's. The first time I read this book was the first summer I lived in Charlotte. I could really put myself in the book when they talked about the hot, humid summers of the south. This book never gets old.
What is on your Summer Reading list? Do share!
Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson (which I've already started...it's just okay. Too much talk about having the dream life of being a wife and a mother so far, I'm sure it will get better.)
The Walk Series by Richard Paul Evans #2 and #3
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Recommended by my friend Kaycee who couldn't believe I've never read this classic. It still remains on the NY best seller list, so it must be good.
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Crossing To Safety by Wallace Stegner. Recommended by a blog reader
Surround Yourself With Greatness by Chad Lewis previous Philadelphia Eagles Football player who spoke at Womens Conference.
These Is My Words by Nancy Turner. My Charlotte friends, especially Taya have raved about this one. Can't wait to dive into it.
I'm currently reading At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks and Suck In Your Stomach and Put Some Color On: What Southern mommas tell their daughters that the rest of Y'all should know by Shelly Rushing Tomlinson. Thanks to my friend Lauren. The funny thing about this book is my Western mother taught me the same things that are taught in this book by Southern momma's.
One of my most favorite summer reads is The Secret Life of Bee's. The first time I read this book was the first summer I lived in Charlotte. I could really put myself in the book when they talked about the hot, humid summers of the south. This book never gets old.
What is on your Summer Reading list? Do share!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Terrific Tuesday
Today is a Terrific Tuesday since Fabulous Friday didn't happen last week because I worked and then...
1. Alisha talked me into going to the Cheesecake Factory with her and her 5 year old because her husband and boys went to Father and sons. She also talked me into spending the night with her because she is kind of scared of being alone. It was like old times when we would have sleep overs.
2. Thursday we had our first RS activity that I was in charge of. We had an unbirthday party. I think it turned out quite well. We had several different salads and then we had each sister introduce the sister to their left. It was a great way to get to know the sisters in my ward. Come to find out a lot of sisters really don't know each other. There were 28 people in attendance. I felt that was a good number for only a 2 week notice. I also gave a talk on Time from the October 2011 General Conference. Look it up, it's a great talk.
3. My favorite flower is the tulip, however the smell and grace of the iris is a close 2nd. And around here I've seen some really pretty ones lately. I even stopped and took pictures of the ones in front of the church that I pass often. Maybe I will post them later.
4. Instead of having mother's day on mothers day, we celebrated it the day before, which worked out great. We again had fun passing the puppies around. It is so fun to watch the kids with them. Pictures to come too.
5. The best news of the week...Troy went with mom and I to the storage unit to get my trundle bed for his twins, because they won't stay in their cribs. Well we also found THE FLIP FLOP BOX! I saw it in the corner under several boxes, but some how some way we got it and so are my feet! Pictures to come.
6. Today Tyler's kids came over for an hour or so. It was fun to read them stories. They are very busy little boys but so cute.
7. I had dinner with Kay and Kaycee last Monday. Oh it was just like old times. I sure love my friends. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the warm breeze, without humidity or condensation from our glasses.
8. Only 2 more shifts and I'm off for 9 days. Can't wait to go to Hilton Head. It has to be one of my very favorite places to relax and vacation!
1. Alisha talked me into going to the Cheesecake Factory with her and her 5 year old because her husband and boys went to Father and sons. She also talked me into spending the night with her because she is kind of scared of being alone. It was like old times when we would have sleep overs.
2. Thursday we had our first RS activity that I was in charge of. We had an unbirthday party. I think it turned out quite well. We had several different salads and then we had each sister introduce the sister to their left. It was a great way to get to know the sisters in my ward. Come to find out a lot of sisters really don't know each other. There were 28 people in attendance. I felt that was a good number for only a 2 week notice. I also gave a talk on Time from the October 2011 General Conference. Look it up, it's a great talk.
3. My favorite flower is the tulip, however the smell and grace of the iris is a close 2nd. And around here I've seen some really pretty ones lately. I even stopped and took pictures of the ones in front of the church that I pass often. Maybe I will post them later.
4. Instead of having mother's day on mothers day, we celebrated it the day before, which worked out great. We again had fun passing the puppies around. It is so fun to watch the kids with them. Pictures to come too.
5. The best news of the week...Troy went with mom and I to the storage unit to get my trundle bed for his twins, because they won't stay in their cribs. Well we also found THE FLIP FLOP BOX! I saw it in the corner under several boxes, but some how some way we got it and so are my feet! Pictures to come.
6. Today Tyler's kids came over for an hour or so. It was fun to read them stories. They are very busy little boys but so cute.
7. I had dinner with Kay and Kaycee last Monday. Oh it was just like old times. I sure love my friends. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the warm breeze, without humidity or condensation from our glasses.
8. Only 2 more shifts and I'm off for 9 days. Can't wait to go to Hilton Head. It has to be one of my very favorite places to relax and vacation!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Fabulous Friday
It's Fabulous Friday again. Oh, how the weeks speed on by. Before we know it, June will be here.
1. Puppy day was so much fun.
2. A fresh coat of nail polish makes for happy feet!
3. A spur of the moment lunch with cousins Alisha and Des to celebrate Bensens 12th birthday was super fun at our little Nampa airports Marvs Blue Sky Cafe. Who knew there was a cafe at our little airport. They had yummy fries and a delicious salad. 1 good food and 1 bad food cancels each other out you know.
4. I found a new favorite thing...sometimes my dresses are a bit too short, but now I have at least 2 slip extenders made by myself and mom. I even did some sewing, mom did most of it, but they are totally awesome.
5. I had a conversation with two wonderful friends this week, one of which I hadn't spoken to for 1 year, as she had been on a mission. Can't wait to have dinner with both of them on Monday.
6. All of us are home this weekend. Should be pretty entertaining.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
We Love Puppies!
Yesterday I planned on cleaning, organizing my closet, putting winter clothes away, planting the garden, yes all those things you do on your day off. Well, I did go out to the garage and clean out two plastic bins that were full of candy and such from my trip across the country 6 months ago and washed them out. I also went to the dreaded walmart without makeup on or my hair done and got seeds and a plastic bin for my winter clothes; thankfully I just saw 1 person I knew didn't stop to chat. When Tristen and the girls came through the back gate just as I finished hosing out the bins, my plans suddenly changed for the day. They took over my time off which was perfectly fine with me. I'm not a fan of cleaning anyway. We enjoyed a visit from Grandma Betty and then Becky and the boys came through the front door so we continued visiting with Grandma Betty even though she kept saying she had to go. We sat around for a few hours talking and watching the kids. Troy came over after awhile, since he finished work early. We finally allowed the kids to see the puppies that they had been asking to see for hours. But since they are now in the pasture and not on the porch they can't just go out to see them, as they need supervision. It was a beautiful spring almost summerish day and the pictures show it. It's too bad Tylers kids didn't join us but it was kind of spur of the moment. That is how we do things in Idaho. Maybe we will have to do this again Saturday when all the kids are here.
I did use my evening wisely by enjoying 2 hours at the gym last night. I LOVE going to the gym. I did a cycle class and a PIYO class. Talk about major endorphins! I'm taking advantage that I can go to the gym for 2 hours. Hopefully the day will come when I don't have time to spend 2 hours at the gym, but for now I will take it all in.
This morning I cleaned out my closet that had shoes piled on top of each other, cleaned out the winter clothes and replaced them with some summer/spring clothes. My mother would never say that I was neat. But when it comes to my clothes...I like to be neat. Especially my shoes. I like them neatly placed side by side in an orderly fashion and I like my clothes to be placed by color. It's kind of hard to have it all with the little closet space I have here, but at least my shoes are orderly and my shirts are all nicely stacked and folded in my drawers.
It's only 11am and I feel rather accomplished for the morning. I now must clean the bathroom, get myself ready for the day and maybe plant that garden. Although mom just asked if I wanted to go to Costco; I swear we go there at least once a week. Maybe I'll wait one more day on planting the garden or maybe I'll do it this afternoon before I enjoy dinner with friends on the patio at Red Robin since it is suppose to be well into the 80's today!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Fabulous Friday Is Back
It's late Friday night again and wow, it's been a great week!
1. I had 3 days off in a row this week. I kind of like that!
2. Today I received a 2 page typed letter of appreciation and update from a patient that I saw in February. Totally made my day.
3. My nephew Gavin turned 5 today. It's pretty sad but this was his first birthday that I was able to celebrate with him. We had fun at our favorite hometown Idaho Pizza Parlor and mom made delicious lemon/lemon filled cupcakes.
4. We have had 2 days of rain. At times we have had some pretty great down pours, which have reminded me of my favorite thunderstorms in the south. Of course they don't compare, but they did give me happy thoughts.
5. I've been thinking this week how nice it is that spring lasts a long time here in Idaho. Unlike the south when it goes from winter to summer in a matter of weeks.
6. Words of Mormon verse 7 is what I needed this week. Reminding me that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
7. I finally got my biannual hair cut. I needed a little change, not a lot just a little. It is nice to have healthy hair without dry frizzy ends!
8. I visited with Grandpa last night. He seems to be doing well. He is rather silly. He tells me every time I see him that he prays for me every night that I will find a husband. Last night he added, "Kissing is uptown shopping for downtown business." Thank you grandpa! I imagine next week will kind of be tough for him with Mother's Day and all.
1. I had 3 days off in a row this week. I kind of like that!
2. Today I received a 2 page typed letter of appreciation and update from a patient that I saw in February. Totally made my day.
3. My nephew Gavin turned 5 today. It's pretty sad but this was his first birthday that I was able to celebrate with him. We had fun at our favorite hometown Idaho Pizza Parlor and mom made delicious lemon/lemon filled cupcakes.
4. We have had 2 days of rain. At times we have had some pretty great down pours, which have reminded me of my favorite thunderstorms in the south. Of course they don't compare, but they did give me happy thoughts.
5. I've been thinking this week how nice it is that spring lasts a long time here in Idaho. Unlike the south when it goes from winter to summer in a matter of weeks.
6. Words of Mormon verse 7 is what I needed this week. Reminding me that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
7. I finally got my biannual hair cut. I needed a little change, not a lot just a little. It is nice to have healthy hair without dry frizzy ends!
8. I visited with Grandpa last night. He seems to be doing well. He is rather silly. He tells me every time I see him that he prays for me every night that I will find a husband. Last night he added, "Kissing is uptown shopping for downtown business." Thank you grandpa! I imagine next week will kind of be tough for him with Mother's Day and all.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I'm In A Blogging Mood
2 blog posts in one day, wowzers! I guess I'm just in a blogging kind of mood. I did however take a lovely 30 minute brisk walk after my last blog post (in my jeans and without a sports bra) meaning I didn't really go to sweat it out, just to enjoy some cool spring air and to burn that ice cream off. Anyway I've had the last 2 days off and I have tomorrow off too. It has been rather enjoyable, except that I saw 70 patients on Monday; my new record and Tuesday morning my back hurt so bad I thought I was never going to recover, but after 2400 miligrams of advil yesterday I'm feeling much better. The pain is still there, but not like yesterday. I think that I stood too much on Monday, but when you are that busy, you just don't find time to sit. It probably didn't help that when I got home at 930, Tristen and I walked 2 miles. I had to get some fresh air, even though I was tired. Oh, yea did you know I live at Tristens part time? In fact during the month of April I only stayed at mom and dad's 5 nights? Seriously if I wasn't on vacation in CLT or SLC, the other nights I was on Tristens couch. Now I'm not a couch person at all, in fact I've always refused to sleep on a couch because I always get a stuffy nose when I sleep on them, but not on Tristens couch and it is rather comfy thank goodness or I'd have a bad back daily. I hear you asking why do I stay at Tristens? The clinic I work most at is only 5 miles from Tristens and its at least 20 from mom and dads and with morning traffic, it just makes sense to save a little on gas and sleeping time by staying at Tristens. The last 2 days I stayed there also because yesterday I had meetings at the Admin office in Eagle which is only a few miles from Tristens and this morning she cleaned my teeth at 9am and her office is in Eagle. So yes, it just makes sense. Thank goodness her husband is a trooper and feels rather comfortable as in maybe too comfortable with me there. In fact it was so cute yesterday he told Tristen I was going to be late for work, because I wasn't up yet, little did he know I didn't have my meeting until 10. Even though my sleep clock won't let me actually sleep past 6:45, which is ever so annoying when I do have a day off. What is even cuter is he makes a breakfast shake for both Tristen and I when he makes his each morning. And he makes mine just as I like it with almond butter and ice.
Little girls are so cute in the morning. And Aidree is becoming quite the character. Here she is with her purse, shopping basket and her high heals. Look at those eyes.

Oh, yea remember the puppies? They have grown so much in just a few weeks. There is one that is quite the tank. For some reason he thinks it is okay to lay on top of tiny. That is exactly what he is doing tonight. And mom and I just think they are adorable, but we felt the need to save tiny from being smothered by tank. It's too bad they don't stay this cute.
Tomorrow is a big day...It's hair cutting day, unpacking day, putting away winter clothes day, laundry day, cycle class and PIYO class day, RS meeting day. Yep it's going to be a busy one.
This is what allergies look like in a 10 month old=( |
I did Tristens hair. It looked pretty fancy. |
![]() |
Wait, let me pose |
See how much bigger tank is than tiny? |
Restaurant Review #1
My cousin Alisha and I really enjoy food. We enjoy food even more when we are together, even though we are always talking about losing 5 pounds, which I really am working towards, even though I had to have a bite of dad's homemade chocolate health ice cream tonight. When I was in college and Alisha was newly married her husband worked on Friday nights, so I would go to Alisha's and we would cook us up a cheap, delicious meal with our meager incomes. We would fill our mugs with root beer at our local maverick for 25 cents and settle down with our chick flick that we would pop into our VCR. Oh those were happy days. However, now days we have a little more cash than we use to and can enjoy a good conversation while someone else cooks for us. So after today's lunch I talked it over with Alisha and have decided a restaurant review is at hand given the fact that we are trying new, local restaurants. We are all about supporting our local businesses here in the Treasure Valley. Today we went to what is becoming one of my favorite small towns; Eagle. It is just a few miles from Alisha's, but it feels like forever when I drive from Nampa. I know you are dying to know where we went, so I better get on with it. Today's first RR is The Stuffed Olive, a quaint little Italian restaurant tucked into the Albertsons parking lot, with minimal seating and a quiet, kind of plain atmosphere. Since we are trying to eat healthy, we each chose a salad. I had the Tuscan Chicken Salad which was a bed of spinach with grilled chicken, sun dried tomato's, fresh roma tomato's, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, greek olives, and red onions that I picked off. I had a creamy sun dried tomato dressing on the side, which was heavenly. Talk about DELICIOUS! Alisha had the Pear and Walnut salad with romaine lettuce, blue cheese crumbles, strawberries and sugared walnuts with a pomegranate vinaigrette, which Alisha raved about. The service was rather nice for lunch and the sweet treat of an andys mint was the perfect way to end our healthy lunch! Yes, I'd highly recommend this one for sure! PS. The pasta dishes looked out of this world, but a little pricey for lunch. My salad was just under $10, which was definitely worth it.
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