Yesterday I planned on cleaning, organizing my closet, putting winter clothes away, planting the garden, yes all those things you do on your day off. Well, I did go out to the garage and clean out two plastic bins that were full of candy and such from my trip across the country 6 months ago and washed them out. I also went to the dreaded walmart without makeup on or my hair done and got seeds and a plastic bin for my winter clothes; thankfully I just saw 1 person I knew didn't stop to chat. When Tristen and the girls came through the back gate just as I finished hosing out the bins, my plans suddenly changed for the day. They took over my time off which was perfectly fine with me. I'm not a fan of cleaning anyway. We enjoyed a visit from Grandma Betty and then Becky and the boys came through the front door so we continued visiting with Grandma Betty even though she kept saying she had to go. We sat around for a few hours talking and watching the kids. Troy came over after awhile, since he finished work early. We finally allowed the kids to see the puppies that they had been asking to see for hours. But since they are now in the pasture and not on the porch they can't just go out to see them, as they need supervision. It was a beautiful spring almost summerish day and the pictures show it. It's too bad Tylers kids didn't join us but it was kind of spur of the moment. That is how we do things in Idaho. Maybe we will have to do this again Saturday when all the kids are here.
I did use my evening wisely by enjoying 2 hours at the gym last night. I LOVE going to the gym. I did a cycle class and a PIYO class. Talk about major endorphins! I'm taking advantage that I can go to the gym for 2 hours. Hopefully the day will come when I don't have time to spend 2 hours at the gym, but for now I will take it all in.
This morning I cleaned out my closet that had shoes piled on top of each other, cleaned out the winter clothes and replaced them with some summer/spring clothes. My mother would never say that I was neat. But when it comes to my clothes...I like to be neat. Especially my shoes. I like them neatly placed side by side in an orderly fashion and I like my clothes to be placed by color. It's kind of hard to have it all with the little closet space I have here, but at least my shoes are orderly and my shirts are all nicely stacked and folded in my drawers.
It's only 11am and I feel rather accomplished for the morning. I now must clean the bathroom, get myself ready for the day and maybe plant that garden. Although mom just asked if I wanted to go to Costco; I swear we go there at least once a week. Maybe I'll wait one more day on planting the garden or maybe I'll do it this afternoon before I enjoy dinner with friends on the patio at Red Robin since it is suppose to be well into the 80's today!
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