I'm reading a book about friendship called, "Nobody's Cuter Than You" by Melanie Shankle. (I listened to her read her book "Sparkly Green Earrings" and loved it even if it was all about motherhood. I especially enjoyed listening to her Texan accent). It makes me think of the many real girlfriends I've been blessed with and wishing I had a close one that I could visit daily here in Phoenix. I'm making friends here, but not like the ones I had in Charlotte where I stopped by their houses all sweaty after the gym, with no make up on and stayed until lunch time visiting, all the while eating pretzels or goldfish crackers as they cleaned up their kitchens from breakfast.
My first recollection of friendship started with Jenny S, who lived across the street from me when I was growing up. We use to read books and share them with each other. Sometimes our "playing" meant we were reading books, but sometimes it was playing Life or pool, or running through the sprinklers. I'm grateful for the friendship that we maintain today. She is a great travel buddy and I have so many memories of times shared with her.
Amy J and I met in first grade. Our friendship continued to strengthen throughout High School as we went on a lot of double dates and watched our hot high school boyfriends play together on the basketball team. When I was in the hospital with OVC, her son was having his appendix out and mom ran into her in the cafeteria. I will never forget her brief, but meaningful visit as she sat at my hospital bedside. Funny that I ran into her at random places more in that year than in the past several years.
I met Jenny N when I was in Kindergarten and we quickly became friends. She passed away in 1999 from an illness. She was the kindest person I have ever met. She never spoke ill of anyone and had the most beautiful curly hair. We spent a lot of time going on double dates, attending sporting events and just hung out together in High School.
Pamela moved to Nampa when we were in High School. We had so much fun with our group of friends playing games on weekends, including cards with my Grandparents. When I was having chemo Pamela sent me the sweetest get well package that had scriptures and quotes attached to different items that would help me get through the tough times ahead.
Kaycee and I were sorority sisters and quickly became great friends. I have so many fun memories of our crazy college days and dates to The Beanery. We still get together several times a year to catch up over a good meal.
One Summer Semester was all I needed at BYU to meet the dearest Aubry. When Tenielle and I drove up to our new apartment, Aubrey came over to us, introduced herself and helped us unpack our Toyota corolla. That was all it took to develop the bond of friendship that we have to this day. Talk about a true friendship. This girl is the epitome of friendship.
I'm positive that the reason I needed to go to Grad School was to meet the friends that I met there; Dave, Brandon, Jamie, Kristin, and Kirt. Going through that difficult 2 years of school couldn't have been done without these friends. I'm grateful that we continue to stay in contact and get together when we can to share the things we have seen and learned in our careers.
Grad School is also where I met Pam in Kentucky while doing my rotations. If I could do one year of my life over again, it would be the year I lived in Kentucky. We had so much fun at Natural Bridge, spending time with cute guys, having dinner parties and Kentucky Derby Celebrations and going shopping at the Gap Outlet and the Pottery Factory.
I couldn't have been blessed any more than being directed to Charlotte after Grad School to meet the wonderful friends that I did. These are my "Adult Friends" the ones I have leaned on when I was in a rut, needed help painting, putting up a picture or sharing Chocolate Chip Cookies with out in Charlotte far away from my family. I treasure the times I get to return to spend time with these people: Nick, Lauren, Karen, Emma, Cassie, Vickie, Steve, Rachel, Katie, Wendy, Sharon and many others. I may have cut my "physical ties" (as Nick tells me) with these people, but not my lasting friendships. As long as I have these friends there, I'll always have a tie to Charlotte.
And now here in Phoenix I'm blessed with new friends, Ofa, Stacie, Janelle and Jolynn and I'm starting to develop friendships with ladies in my ward including Miriam, Jone, Andrea and Nicole.
Of course my oldest and" bestest" friends are my sisters and my cousins. We have awesome memories and I know only more are in the future. How grateful I am for these amazing friends of mine, for Heavenly Father putting such influential people in my life who have helped me become the person that I am today.
The thing is, you are easy to be a friend to because you are such a good friend to others!!! You are interested, giving, kind, uplifting and funny!! Everyone treasures your friendship!!