I opted today not to have the steroids that they typically give when I have chemo. (I think the steroids make me gain weight and no girl wants that). Typically the steroids help with the side effects from the chemo and my hard head wanted to see if I could do without them. Very bad choice. Unfortunately the side effects from chemo came on as I was having the infusion; fatigue and abdominal pain which I am continuing to have tonight. When I had chemo the first time I would have a sore throat. I had a touch of that today, but tonight it seems to be gone. I'm also going to start taking omeprazole in hopes that it helps with the abdominal pain. The dose I took today did not improve my symptoms. I do find that doterra peppermint drops seem to help the nausea and abdominal pain, but only for a short time.
Medically speaking my counts shouldn't have been normal today given I had a treatment only 7 days ago. But spiritually speaking, I testify it is only because of Heavenly Fathers answer to the many prayers and fasting which have been offered in my behalf (especially this past Fast Sunday) that they have improved. I'm ever so grateful for answered prayers. I don't know how He hears all of our prayers, but I testify that He does hear them. This talk by Elder Bednar in April 2008 General Conference is one of my most very favorite. I love this short video with excerpts from his talk.
How thankful I am for that answer to our prayers!! You've seen many miracles Terah and that will continue!!