Sunday we celebrated Father's Day and Klara's blessing day. I made an awesome pork roast for dinner. I have the best dad a girl could ever have. I'm so grateful for his example of never quitting, working hard and loving harder; and teaching me to do the same.
Most every day our pool was full of kids. It's always fun to sit and chat with my girlfriends, sisters and sister-in-laws while watching the kids swim.
Tuesday was the day I was down for the count, my cousin Alisha came over in the afternoon. She thought I was sleeping the entire time, but I listened as she updated my mom on her life and her kids. I just let her do the talking and I was the listener, with my eyes closed of course. That evening Kaycee came over. By evening I was a little more company than earlier in the day when Alisha came over. It's always fun to catch up with these two.
Tristen and the girls flew in Thursday morning. Mom, Tenielle and I picked them up. The pregnant lady needed breakfast so of course we made that possible. And then we did a little shopping, the only shopping we did all week.
That night we had a baby shower for Tristen and her baby boy due August 12.
Friday I saw Dr. Cooper. She basically told me that the masses are stable, with the exception of the 1 on the left iliac crest which has grown 1.3 cm, despite chemo. It doesn't cause me any pain though. We are going to see what the 3 and 4 treatments do. If they shrink the tumors we will continue with treatment. If they don't we will proceed with surgery. I'm praying desperately that they shrink. I really don't want surgery, even though in the back of my mind, I know it is inevitable. The good news is that she doesn't think I will need to have a colostomy!
Friday afternoon our family headed to Christensen Pond. The kids have a blast here. Kadyn even told me on Saturday that he can't wait until next year when we go again.
That night we went to my cousin Read's where we roasted marshmallows and watched a movie outside. It was actually a bit chilly. I saw my cousin Misty who I haven't seen for quite a while. Always fun to see her.
Saturday my friends the Fergusens came to visit me and then we had the entire family over. We had such a fun relaxing time together. No one was in a hurry, we ate good pulled pork sandwiches and ate ice cream cones while the kids swam in the pool. I have the best family and so much enjoy our time together.
Sunday I flew to Seattle where Aubrey picked me up and we went to church. They had a new sister missionary from Oklahoma; long story short we came to the realization that we have the same great, great grandmother. Kind of cool.
HM came over after dropping his kids of at their mothers.
It was so wonderful to see him, to kiss his lips, look into his gorgeous blue eyes and to hold his hand. The things you appreciate when you have a long distance relationship.
Monday HM and I had lunch and then we rode the ferry to one of the many islands in the area. It was second best to being in MVY. This little island was darling. We drove to where we took a short hike down to the lighthouse, walked on the beach and sat on the beach for at least 2 hours. The weather couldn't have been better. It was super relaxing and so enjoyable. We rode the ferry back and then had dinner on the patio, while looking out at the water and the ferry as it came and went. I so much enjoyed this dinner date with my man. It makes me smile as I reminisce that perfect day.
Tuesday he took me to his office where I sat flipping through magazines while he attended a meeting. His office is right next to the temple. It's such a beautiful sight. We then had lunch and ice cream before we had to say goodbye again. I wonder if goodbyes will ever get easier, I assume they likely won't. I'm excited to spend an entire 5 days with him in a few weeks!
On the plane ride I visited with a sweet couple. In our conversation I told them I had OVC. As we were landing they told me they wanted to pray for me and that they believed in the power of prayer. I'm so grateful for all the prayers that are said in my behalf. I believe they have great power and that the Lord hears them and is answering them. This sweet lady was about finished with her book on Hope and kindly gave it to me. I'm excited to start reading it. I have great hope for a cure, for a long life of many memories to come and for a future of love and happiness.
So much in this blog!! First of all I love all the pictures of family!! I'm excited for Tristen ,Gordon wants her to know Gordon is a nice name--okay I'm really liking Mitch, he seems so sweet to you, and you sooo deserve that!! I love that sweet couple that gave you that book and are going to pray for you!! When we worry America is going to Hell in a handbasket we need to think of people like that!!
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