Today I spent 2 hours burning my white skin at the pool with Becoming Lady Lockwood in my hand. A book that I started a few days ago and will finish in a day or so. And then I'll be on to the next book! For some reason people think that if you live in Phoenix you are naturally tan and spend every day at the pool; wrong my friends.
I will admit, I'm super bummed about not going to Martha's Vineyard this Summer. I'd hoped to visit the end of the Summer, but now that HM is in my life, I'd much rather be visiting him! Hopefully next Summer the cancer will be gone and I can resume my Summers in MVY!
And so for the next 3-4 months I'll be enjoying Summer with a book in my hand, a lemonade at my side (because I have jars of frozen, fresh squeezed lemon juice in my freezer) and all the fun Summer has in store (even amongst a little chemo).
Side Note: My friend Pamela sent me this picture. She had gone to her child's school and saw that he had done this for me. Thank You Bayden. I'm so very blessed.
So sweet of Bayden!! Amen to summer reading!! I'm reading Tracy Abramsons new book Royal Brides, really good!! I also read Lady Lookwood, good read!! Can't wait to hear more about HIM~!!