We got out of town pretty well except for a little stop and go traffic on I-10 out of Phoenix. On our way out of town we realized we were hungry and of course had to stop at a local Taco Bell. I don't know why we can't just leave and call it good without having to always stop, but we do. We finally got to our hotel around 11pm. When I opened the door to the room they gave us, it was like on the 3 bears story, someone had slept in the bed, so we called down and they got us another room.
Wednesday we woke up to a lovely spring/winter day! Troy and Tyler's families flew to LA and rented a 15 passenger van. Let me tell you, that came in handy. When I drove it a few times I felt like I was driving the getaway van.
We all arrived at our vacation home, which was the same as when we were there last time together. We like this home. It is comfortable and very close to Disneyland. We went to Disneyland for the rest of the day. The crowds were light, which is always so nice. Tanner and Kayla flew in that evening. By the end of the day we were all kind of tuckered out.
Thursday we went to Disney's California Adventure. It was so fun to have my friend Erica, who I use to work with in Charlotte, join us for the day. Tony and Erin joined us Thursday evening. There was a total of 20 of us for a few days. Such fun!
Friday it rained all day. I stayed home with the babies while most everyone went to Disneyland. They all returned just before dinner, changed into dry clothes and then we went to dinner at Mimi's. Tanner and Kayla braved the downpours and went back to Disneyland that evening.
Saturday we went to the beach. It was chilly and windy, but the kids didn't care one bit.
We also hit Costco and stocked up on more food. I tell you it's amazing how much food families go through in such a short time. I loved that the boys took care of most of the breakfasts.
They even did some clean up of the kitchens too. One of the things I like about going to Disney is making lunches. It is so much cheaper and easy.
Sunday we were able to watch mom and dad's stake conference. Technology is so amazing. We then piled into the van and headed to San Diego stopping at the temple, which I've never seen in person and always wanted to. It is absolutely beautiful. We then spent a few hours at the Mormon Battalion visitors center. It was awesome and the kids loved it.
That evening my cousin Misty and some of her kids came over for ice cream bars. Most of her family were at Disneyland the next week. We thought we had a lot of people, but they had 25.
Monday some went to Universal Studios and some to Disneyland. I went to TJ Max and had a Terah day. My back has been hurting and I wanted to rest up for Tuesday when we were all going back to Disneyland together. Monday evening Becky and I went to this awesome ice cream place. They make ice cream with dry ice and they design it into a rose. It was delicious and so creamy.
Tuesday we had so much fun at Disneyland. The crowds were heavy, but it was fun nonetheless. We even got a big group picture with most of my cousins, (when I get the picture from Danielle I will post it) even though Misty and I could never find each other that day. I even ran into my friend Darin who I've been friends with since I was a very small kid.
Yesterday we cleaned up and checked out.
Every day when the kids are good they get to open the treasure box to find treats, games and Disney paraphernalia. Its fun for them and me.
Everyone except Tony, Erin and mom and dad and I left. We went back to Disney CA. We met Misty and her kids there. They showed us the animation center, which I had never known about. It was super fun and fun to see her there.
She is going to Hawaii the end of May with 2 of her kids and invited me along. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go, of course pending my treatments. We left last evening to head back to phoenix, getting in around 2am this morning. I love Disneyland and the magic that comes from it.
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