This brings me to one of the most exciting purchases this week. I've been watching plane tickets since before Christmas. I've often found tickets around 1,500-2000. 2 days ago I found a flight on Delta, (so I can get sky miles 17,581 to be exact) from Boise to Sydney and then from Bali to Boise for only 1113. Mom is coming with me and yes I booked her flight before mine. A month ago flights were 1000 more flying from Boise. Since these were so cheap I bought mom's ticket, but they were still higher than I'd seen them from Phoenix. I checked yesterday morning and no change. However, right before I went to bed last night I checked again. I actually thought it was a mistake and checked again because I've never seen flights less than 1000. My flight was only 981. Hello, that's crazy cheap. I love traveling, but I hate paying high prices for flights. On Delta I can typically get a flight with sky miles, which I typically give away and not use for 25,000 miles across the country. (My flight to Charlotte I used FF miles). That means I will almost gain another free flight by flying to Australia. So really it's like I got the flight for 500.
Enough about my frugalness. So now about the trip. We will be meeting up in LA and then fly to Sydney on April 17. A childhood friend lives in Sydney. She is going to be our tour guide for about 6 days. Another childhood friend lives in Brisbane and goes to Sydney for business often. We are hoping he is there when we are so we can see him. We will then fly to Melbourne and stay with Pam for about 5 days. Pam and her darling 2 children and her husband had planned on going to Bali and invited us to go with them. 2 continents in one trip; lucky me!
We will be in Bali from April 29-May 9. Pam's husband has already booked 3 different resorts that we will stay at in different areas of Bali. These are 5 star resorts, 2 of which are on the beach. Everything in Bali is very well priced, thank goodness, because Australia isn't cheap. We will then fly to Korea for a 9 hour layover. I've heard the Korea airport is pretty amazing. We have contemplated leaving the airport for the day. I have a childhood friend who is serving in the military there and may be able to be our tour guide for the day. We will then fly to Seattle. Mom will fly to Boise and I will have an 18 hour layover spending it with Aubrey. I could have flown home 2 hours later, but of course I can't go to Seattle without a visit with Aubrey. I'm pretty sure once I get home I will want to sleep for at least a day or 2.
I know nothing about Bali or Australia, but I've been to the library and have some books to read on my drive to Disneyland 12 days. Yep, I'm always planning a vacation or on vacation. I feel like I should make a paper chain to countdown the days. Only 71 day to go!
I believe this quote is the theme of my life. I'll save my shoe story for another post...
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