I'm not a fan of moving, especially because my house is full of boxes in random rooms. I can't even find the box with cereal and peanut butter. Last night when I drove into DL after my lovely 30 minutes in a blizzard at the ID/MT boarder, I stopped of at the local supermarket to get some main staples, milk, English muffins, and Greek yorgart. Because I can't find the things to go with these main staples and because I can't find a spoon they have gone un-eaten. I did get some clothes unpacked. I have ALOT of clothes and AlOT more sweaters than one who has lived in CLT for 7 years should have.
I had a lovely walk today and ran into our clinical coordinator whome I have been corresponding with for the past few weeks. I joined him and his wife on their walk. It was neat to see so many people out walking when it was only 25 degrees. It wasn't that cold though, maybe because my warm lands end/goodwill coat was keeping me warm and the sun was out. However after having dinner with a family in my ward it was a cold 18. My house is rather warm, surprisingly due to the vaulted ceilings and square footage.
I will admit that had I have seen the future of moving and the headache it is, leaving my friends, my "normal" life, and other things I wouldn't have done this. Maybe that's why we can't see the future; it wouldn't allow us to grow.
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