Friday, May 4, 2012

Fabulous Friday Is Back

It's late Friday night again and wow, it's been a great week!
1.  I had 3 days off in a row this week.  I kind of like that!
2.  Today I received a 2 page typed letter of appreciation and update from a patient that I saw in February.  Totally made my day.
3.  My nephew Gavin turned 5 today.  It's pretty sad but this was his first birthday that I was able to celebrate with him.  We had fun at our favorite hometown Idaho Pizza Parlor and mom made delicious lemon/lemon filled cupcakes.
4.  We have had 2 days of rain.  At times we have had some pretty great down pours, which have reminded me of my favorite thunderstorms in the south.  Of course they don't compare, but they did give me happy thoughts.
5.  I've been thinking this week how nice it is that spring lasts a long time here in Idaho.  Unlike the south when it goes from winter to summer in a matter of weeks.
6.  Words of Mormon verse 7 is what I needed this week.  Reminding me that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
7.  I finally got my biannual hair cut.  I needed a little change, not a lot just a little.  It is nice to have healthy hair without dry frizzy ends!
8.  I visited with Grandpa last night.  He seems to be doing well.  He is rather silly.  He tells me every time I see him that he prays for me every night that I will find a husband.  Last night he added, "Kissing is uptown shopping for downtown business."  Thank you grandpa!  I imagine next week will kind of be tough for him with Mother's Day and all.

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