Sunday, January 8, 2012

Big Day Tomorrow

It's only 12 hours until I get to be a responsible adult again.  Yep, I can hardly wait.  I might have to take a taste of a sleeping pill so that I can fall asleep before 1am, which seems to be the norm lately.  I do go to bed around 10:30 every night, it's just the falling asleep part that I've had an issue with.  Maybe it is all that I have on my mind lately that won't let me sleep.  Well, it's time to put those thoughts to bed tonight so that I will be bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for some admin time.  You see, I'm not working clinic for the next week, because I need to learn their EMR so that I can chart patients in a timely manner.  Back to the sleeping in thing...It's not like I can't get up or don't wake up early on a regular basis.  You see every morning at 7:23 an alarm rings in my room for 1 minute.  Initially I thought it was coming from the other empty room downstairs, but after searching for it and not finding it, I realized it was coming from the room I slept in.  The culprit is a watch that I bought when I went on the trek.  It is somewhere buried in my box of jewelry that I brought with me from Charlotte.  And it has been going off every day for 1 1/2 years because I don't know how to turn it off.  So I have been waking up at 7:23 every morning for the past 3 months, but I've enjoyed being lazy and laying there until I either fall back asleep or get up sometime after at least 8.  I know you are all jealous of my laziness, but come tomorrow, I'm right back with you mother's with young children, mother's with early morning seminary students, and those of you who have to go out in the big bad world of business.  Cheers for early morning's...

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