Thursday, September 6, 2012

Storage Unit Depression

Last night we went to the storage unit to try to find a piece for the vinyl cutter, which I felt prompted several times to grab before the movers got there and didn't.  Needless to say, without that piece I can't use the vinyl cutter.  We found the box that I hope it is in, but I haven't dug through it yet, but I will when I'm finished blogging.  I really hate going there, seeing all of my stuff, stuffed all together.  It really is just stuff, but it does have some meaning to me.  It reminds me of all that I've worked for over the past 8 years and building my life in Charlotte.  On my way home I told mom that Charlotte feels like my home.  I think it is because that is where I went to start my life after college.  It's where I saved for the things that I have and where I planted my Adult roots.  It's going to be interesting after my contract is up in 15 1/2 months what I decide to do.  I told mom we aren't digging through the storage unit again, it's just not fun, except when you open a box and find your checkbook, old valentines, and I'm hoping the piece to the vinyl cutter.

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