Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Traditions

Yesterday was a busy, busy day.  It started with pumpkin swirl pecan french toast.  I love anything pumpkin and I love french toast!  Then with my pink rain boots, not because it was raining, but because I love those rain boots, we started pealing more apples; 28 jars worth!  We still have so many apples we are now giving them away.  While working on apples, we listened and watched parts of Time Out For Women which was video streamed live for the first time.  It was so enjoyable.  I was interrupted by Tony to take the plastic bins of summer clothes to the storage unit, which was an order by mom.  Last time I went there I said I wasn't going back, ugh, seriously that place is down right saddening that I still don't have perfect access to my stuff, but that it is piled high in boxes that I didn't pack.  At least I was able to get my winter clothes out for the changing, freezing cold temperatures that have come with the end of October.  We listened to the BSU football game while making long johns, otherwise known as maple bars.  My grandma use to make these for camping trips and Halloween.  They were really, really good and so very, very unhealthy.  I know that I haven't had one in at least 15 years, probably longer.
For the first time in 11 years I was home for the Young annual Halloween Party and for the first time in 11 years I brought a guy to an extended family function.  He had full warning ahead of time, but was a champion and seemed to have fit right in per my cousin Alisha.  I was impressed indeed.  It was a wonderful evening of hayrides, soup eating, trunk or treat, grandma's hot chocolate, long johns, and characters from Disney movies, Fred flintstone, animals, witches, mummies, super hero's and baseball players. I wasn't disappointed in the least bit!  The after events of the evening were just as fun and entertaining!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! And there are definitely certain parts of this post that interest me more than others...if you know what I mean. =)
