Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Things I Learned In 2012

After re-reading my last post from 2011 and reading how I thought it was a difficult year and thinking back on 2012, I think I've had 2 tough years in a row.  Tough in different aspects.  Tough makes you stronger, at least that is what they say.  I don't feel stronger in the least bit; I feel blessed to learn things that the Lord obviously sees fit for me to learn.  Looking back on the last 365 days I have learned more than I realize.  In 2012 I've learned...
~From unexpected losses of family and friends to cherish all moments, big, small, annoying, irritating, happy, sad; because one day someone might be sent back to our Heavenly Home.
~That losing a grandma can bring a void in the family, but the peace of knowing we will see her again.
~Patience, that Heavenly Father is in charge, knows my needs and other people's needs and how I can be an instrument in His hands.
~To appreciate farm land and open spaces again.
~How to relax more, to not get uptight when things don't go my way and to rely on the Lord.
~His timing isn't always our timing and to trust more in His plan for me.
~That Boise State isn't always going to have the best football team, even though they have the past 10 years.
~That getting lost in a series with Sarah Agnes Prine can bring me great Summer entertainment!
~That it doesn't get much better than relaxing in Hawaii
~That I can make Sister Jone's chocolates, but that her added touch of love makes them even better.
~To enjoy my job and to slow down with each patient, the others will be there when I get there.
~That a New England Fall foliage trip with my mom and childhood friend can bring much beauty to my eyes.
~I will always love Hilton Head and the beach even though I'm far from it here in Idaho.
~That a new niece and a new nephew will always bring a Heavenly spirit to our family.
~That Bowl of Heaven would be my new favorite treat!
~How much I miss NC and that going back to my house will bring me tears, realizing I'll likely never have my normal NC life again.
~How wonderful, relaxing and entertaining my evening jogs with my sister can be, which can bring us so much closer than we have ever been.
~That living with mom and dad is rather nice, even in your 30's.
~That having a temple so close yet unavailable for most of the year, makes you ever so grateful when it re-opens.
~Never rent your house to friends, they won't take care of it as you do and in the end you won't be friends anymore.
~To suck it up and take my thyroid pill an hour before breakfast each morning, as annoying as it is.
~That I really do enjoy a White Christmas!

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