Sunday, January 13, 2013

ZERO Degree's

Tonight on my way home my car thermometer went from 9 to a big fat 0 as in ZERO!  I'm not joking.  It's been between 5-19 over the past week, but 0 really?  I've decided there isn't much difference between 5 and 20.  It's all just freaking cold and so dry.  So dry in fact that I hardly have any frost on the widows because the dew point is like 10.  No wonder I can lather my hands with gold bond super lotion a million times a day and they still hurt and feel like sand paper.  I even stole my nurses little heater to heat me in my office this weekend.  Enough of the cold January, I'm ready for Spring.  On days like these, especially when I see it is 70 in CLT I wonder, was I really thinking when I decided to come back to the cold.  Apparently not!

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