Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gifts For Christmas

Today in RS sweet Sister Shinn gave the VT moment. She talked about when she was on a mission and had no baking to be done, no buying and wrapping of gifts, no hustle and bustle of the season. She said that year she came to realize the importance of Christmas. Giving gifts of Christ. Pure love, Charity, and I would add forgiving, not judging, and looking to find ways to give of yourself. I loved this concept. This past year it seems that I have learned all of these elements. I don't don't know why it has taken me so long to learn them, but thanks to a certain someone who came into my life over the past year, I have learned or at least felt a glimpse of the true meaning of unconditional love that our Savior has for us, His children. For so many years I didn't let myself feel this for fear of hurt, betrayal, and disappointment. Well, I got all three, but it wasn't without growth, knowledge, and the feelings of continued unconditional love. I often think of the quote "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." There are many different interpretations of this quote and at different times in my life I have felt differently about it. I remember one day this past summer I was driving home from the temple thinking, I proved that quote wrong. I let myself feel love and look where it got me, everything that I didn't want. But as I think of it now, I realize that it is better to love because as one loves, ones heart softens. As the heart softens, you become more compassionate, less judgemental, more forgiving, more patient, and in turn feel love as the Savior does. And so this year, I hope that I can share that love with those around me, those that I work and serve with, those that may need what I can only give them, being in the right place at the right time. Gifts of Christmas really have nothing to do with money, but service to others, love and forgiveness.

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